We'll get your business up and running in no time!
Abacus Legal Services can assist you in the following areas:
Starting A Business
- LLC organization and state registration
- Corporation organization and state registration
- Non-profit organization, state registration and IRS exempt status fulfillment.
Your Business Issues
- State registration of DBA's
- Lease review and consultation
- Contract review and consultation
- Independent contractor agreements
- Non-compete agreements
- Cease & Desist letters and responses
- Business Dissolution
- Lease drafting
- Contract drafting
- Terms & Conditions drafting
- Employment agreements
- Non-disclosure agreements
- Employee Handbook drafting & review
- Negotiation and Settlement
Your Marketing & Advertising Issues
- Basic FTC compliance
- Telephone marketing compliance
- Comparative advertising
- Use of testimonials in advertising
- Business to consumer (B2C) marketing compliance
- Business to business (B2B) marketing compliance
- Email marketing compliance
- Truth in advertising considerations
- Use of the word "Free" in advertising
- General trademark considerations
Miscellaneous Issues
- Business dissolution
- Small Claims Court Representation